
Cashier Services at Fleet Street

posted 13 Aug 2020 2 mins

Coronavirus: Service Update

We are pleased to say that from 1st September 2020, the Banking Hall at 37 Fleet Street will be open for Cashiers’ services (10am-3pm, Monday to Friday).

As at Lowndes Street, which reopened in July, social distancing will be in place, along with other  protective measures against the spread of coronavirus.  Safety screens have been installed and the counter area will be freshly sanitised for each customer.  We will also take the precaution of quarantining cash received by the bank for 48 hours to prevent cross-contamination.

We would like to remind you that customers are required by law to wear face coverings when visiting the bank.  Our porters will be happy to provide you with a disposable mask, but they will not be able to admit customers without appropriate face coverings.  All exemptions to this ruling are listed on the government’s website.

While our cashiers are looking forward to welcoming you back to Fleet Street, most bank staff will continue to work from home until further notice.  Telephones will, as usual, be manned at all times, but do please continue, where possible, to contact us by email as this ensures the fastest response.  Letters will of course be answered and, for the time being, all post, including letters for staff members usually based at Lowndes Street, should be directed to 37 Fleet Street, EC4P 4DQ (please be aware, however, that Royal Mail services remain subject to delay).

If you would like further information about arrangements at Fleet Street, please contact your relationship manager who will be happy to help.