Financial Reports

We continue to be owned entirely by the Hoare family on an unlimited liability basis with no external financing. As a result we have a highly conservative attitude to risk which is monitored closely and managed within strict limits.

Financial Report 2024

Download here pdf 13612.53 kb

Previous financial reports

Further reading

Impact report

Since the foundation of the bank, the Hoare family has considered its impact on customers, colleagues and our wider community. Our annual Impact Report shows how we live our purpose as ‘Good Bankers and Good Citizens’.


Impact Report 2024

pdf 4909.31 kb


The relationship we enjoy with our employees is central to the bank’s continued success. We are always looking to attract and retain the widest pool of talent, whilst ensuring parity in pay for all employees. Read the results of our gender pay gap analysis below.


Gender Pay Report 2024

pdf 196.97 kb